
yet here i sit...

The storms have passed this Sunday morning. A quick drive around indicates more severity than first realized. Limbs, some big enough to cause detours to the wrong side of the road, have found new homes on side streets. Smaller versions, still clutching small bunches of leaves, paint sidewalks to brilliant greens. Translucent, frail, cloud leftovers zig-zag across baby blue skies as the sun makes quick work evaporating puddle and surface moisture. The storms have passed this Sunday morning along with the time for reflection...


Two in a Row

Perhaps sitting in a hotel room gazing out a window toward rolling greens and sand traps of the resort's (and I use that term loosely) golf course listening to the iPod causes the contemplation necessary to actually blog two days in a row. (Is blog a verb and a noun?) Or maybe it's not contemplation but just slowing down enough to make the effort.

I often wonder how 'off' I am because I enjoy staying in a room writing or reading or gazing even though there's the casino four floors down and amenities (spa, wellness center, restaurants, shopping) all available to steal my time. Yet, here I sit. And I'm just fine with that...


rambling thoughts

at some point,
should we evaluate
the impact life has on living?
should we look back and say,
'ahh ha' I get it now'
because it all
really does matter?

do choices made then
have minimal impact
on now since now is
so far removed from then?

consequences and learning
must go hand-in-hand
with choices from both
and you'd think
we'd all eventually say
'ahh ha, it really does matter'
because of the consequences
but too many people
still don't get it.